Friday, February 20, 2009

Subject Guides for Your Department

Did you know that there are biological sciences, chemistry, environmental studies, and geosciences subject guides on the Libraries web site? And, that the subject guides list and *link* to the Libraries article databases especially relevant to your field of study?

Here's how you can access these subject guides...

  1. Go to the Libraries web page
  2. Hover your mouse over the "Research" link (on the left side of the tan navigation bar at the top of the screen)
  3. Move your mouse down to "Subject Guides" and click
  4. From the alphabetical list, click which ever guide you want to use

The library has over eighty subject guides. In addition to linking to relevant article databases, these guides also link to handbooks, dictionaries, patents, government information as well as other useful information.

Knowing where these resources are centrally located can save you time and effort.

Take a look at the subject guide relevant to you. Tell your students about it. If you have any questions or suggestions of other resources that should be included in the guides, feel free to let me know.

*** View my parallel blog at on the WMU Libraries site ***

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Happy Birthday, Charles Darwin

February 12 is the 200th anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin, the British naturalist who theorized that evolution was driven by natural selection.

We have at Waldo Library many of Darwin's published works, including various editions of Darwin's "big four" : The Descent of Man, The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animal, The Origin of Species, and Voyage of the Beagle.

Also here is a list of all the works by Darwin in the library's holdings. You can also create this list by searching in the library catalog for "Darwin, Charles" as the *author.*

We also have many books about Darwin. You can create this list by searching in the library catalog for "Darwin, Charles" as the *subject heading.*

***View my parallel blog at on the WMU Libraries site***