Starting Mon., Jan. 17, University Libraries website will look a lot different.

Why? Because out site is migrating to
WMU's new content management system (CMS) . This means the Libraries webpages will have
a similar look as the WMU main page and a few other departments that
have already migrated. An advantage of the new CMS is its "
responsive design" feature -- the links and components of the website automatically rearrange to better fit the screen on which the website is being viewed. Now our site will be more mobile device-friendly, as functional for someone viewing it on a smart phone as it is for someone viewing is on a 15 inch monitor.
Asides from that change, there should be little difference in functionality between the old and new website. The URLs for all of the
pages will be the same, and users will have access to the same library resources through the website as before the migration.
Questions or concerns? Please feel free to
let me know.