Monday, December 8, 2008

Great Lakes Compact, NewsBank database

The Great Lakes Compact, signed by the president on Oct 3, 2008, goes into effect today.

The Compact itself has not gotten gotten much coverage in the scientific literature, but there has been a fair amount of coverage in the U.S. newspapers.

The library has a database called NewsBank that allows users to search for hundreds of local and national newspapers at once, and a search for the term "great lakes compact" resulted in over forty relevant news articles.

To use the NewsBank database...
  1. Go to the library main page
  2. Click the "Databases A-Z tab (located in the middle of the screen)
  3. Click the "N" in the range of letters highlighted in black
  4. Scroll down to "NewsBank NewsFile" and click the link
  5. Type in whatever term you'd like to look up, and click the "search" button
This is a great way to search many newspapers at once. One downside is that it usually takes a couple of days for articles to be indexed, so your search results probably won't include articles published on the day of your search.

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