Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Biology Digest and GEOBASE Discontinued

On June 30, our access to the article databases Biology Digest and GEOBASE will end. Since neither Biology Digest nor GEOBASE index article citations nor do they include full-text articles, we will not loose access to any journal content.

Currently, the library accesses both databases via FirstSearch, a service provided by OCLC (Online Computer Library Center, Inc.). But since March 2010, OCLC has been phasing out article database services in order to focus on WorldCat, its global library catalog, and other Web-scale library services.

Although Biology Digest and GEOBASE soon will no longer be available, WMU faculty, staff, and students will continue to have other options when searching for biology- and geosciences-related topics. See our biological sciences and geosciences article database guides for database coverage in these subject areas.

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